Christmas At Walmart

Have you seen Christmas at Walmart? It’s soooo good. I was blown away at some of the great Christmas decor they have this year. I KNOW that most of us don’t even want to think about Christmas anytime soon, but these deals are so good that if you don’t go now, they won’t be there.
Also, let me just say that sadly Walmart is not paying me to share this with you.
Just me, being the sweet friend that I am, sharing with you. I’m good that way!

Anybody out there love retro decor?
I have to admit that I’m addicted to Shiny Brite ornaments.
Walmart has a small selection that look a whole lot like my Shiny Brites.
And you can’t beat the price!

I fell in love with this sweet reindeer!
He reminds me of the cartoon Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer when I was growing up.

These floral picks!
I’m not sure what to do with them, but I guarantee that there is a craft calling my name using them.
Don’t you love the silver tinsel?
It reminds me of those retro trees that were silver with the changing light wheel.

These trees are perfect for all of you farmhouse/traditional Christmas lovers.
Not only is the price great, but they are a decent size too!
I think these would look awesome in a kitchen or bathroom.

I’m not sure why, but I love these wooden trees!
Wouldn’t these look great on a winter themed mantle?

I’m in love with these sweet deer, too.
So stinking cute!

Last, but not least, they have a great selection of ribbon.

Not only are they great patterns, but how could you not love the texture of this ribbon?
My favorites?
The checks and the herringbone!
Christmas at Walmart has never been better.

Tammy, I love your Walmart shopping tour. I am so ready for the Christmas season, my favorite by far! I bet you are so excited decorating your new home. I can’t wait to see it!
I NEVER think to go to Walmart for decor and I should break that bad habit right now! Love what you’ve shown us and need to start saving my pennies I see. Cute stuff!
I have to admit it Cindy, I was surprised to see all the cute stuff there too! Definitely in love with a few of these things.