Happy New Year

Happy New YearHappy New Year! We’ve celebrated and stayed up way past our bedtime here at the castle. I’ve made my new year’s list of goals and I am ready to hit the decorating floor running! Or I will tomorrow. Today is for family and football. My OSU Cowboys are playing today!  I’ve even got a few sneak peeks for you…

Black bed

Remember I told you my sister bought a craftsman bungalow and we’ve been working on that? Here’s the big black bed I have been working on for her master.

black bed cow 4

Isn’t this guy the sweetest thing? I want to kiss his nose every time I see him. Hey! Don’t judge!!! He even has a barnyard buddy that goes with him.

Ryan's Trailer

And my son, prince charming, has something new and exciting in the works. I had so much fun helping him with this on going project!

I have a ton of new things to paint – a study and a spare bedroom to remodel and a billion ideas bouncing around…. I can’t tell you how excited I am.

So bring 2016 on like Donkey Kong. I am ready!

From all of us here at the castle – here’s hoping that you have a wonderful new year!

Until next time….


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