Laundry Room Week 1

Laundry Room week 1

Happy Friday! It’s time to share my laundry room week 1 with you. Now week 1 was suppose to be amazing. I was going to wow you with getting my new counter top made and my new sink and faucet installed.

That is not what happened.

building a countertop


Last week I shared that The Hubs would be making my new countertop out of my Dad’s barn wood.

The week started out so good!

We – The Hubs – planed and sanded the wood – which took about a day!

Then he glued the wood pieces together to form the top.

So what happened next?


Since we build in the drive way this was a huge set back.

floral fabric


No problem, I figured there were plenty of things I could do while we were waiting for a dry driveway!

So I began looking for fabric.

I wanted one that worked with the existing wall color, but had other colors too.

One that would come in fairly fast once ordered.

I looked high and low and found a picture of this fabric and realized I already had a yard of it!!!!

Sewing is in my future.

vintage sink and faucet

The Faucet

I also pulled out the sink and faucet that I purchased almost 4 years ago.

You know, just to check everything out and make sure it was all in working order.

The sink was beautiful and I eagerly pulled out the faucet ( see picture) only to find that the faucet did not fit the sink.

At all!

black faucet

Time to go shopping.

I was looking for a new chrome one when I came across this one.

It matches the door handles and my floor in color.

Plus, the tall spout was much better than the old chrome one that  I had purchased before.


So I ordered it and it will be in a day!

magnetic hooks

Laundry Basket hangers

Next, I decided to tackle something that has been driving me crazy for awhile.

I needed somewhere to hang my laundry basket.

However, all my wall space is take up.

Then I found these magnetic hooks.

hanging laundry basket

Game changer!

I put them on the side of my dryer and it works perfectly there!

Side note: I did have to enlarge the holes in the side of the basket to allow it to hang properly.

It was a simple fix,  just drew out the cut line, then using an exact knife, I cut it out.

Super easy, looks good and it solves a huge problem!

Sink and countertop

So my new time line to replace this countertop and sink?

Well, if it doesn’t rain again this week, hopefully this weekend.

Even though laundry room week 1 didn’t have the wow factor that I had hoped for, I’m still pumped and working hard for week 2.

Now I’m heading over to Terrie’s to see what she got done in week 1, I hope that you will join me.

Terrie laundry room week 1

Decorate And More With Tip

Until next time…


Laundry Room week 1

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  1. Love it can’t wait to see the counter. And that fabric I need for my guest room!
    Looking forward to the completed room!

    1. Girl head on down to Michaels for the fabric! I got it a few years ago however, I saw it online a few months ago.

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