Spring at the Castle

For the first time in awhile, it feels like spring at the castle! I’m so excited. Normally late April would find me in shorts, t-shirts and, if I feel like shoes, a cute pair of flip flops. Unfortunately, this has been a cold and wet month for the most part.

spring at the castle

Today is warm with very little wind. Truly the perfect day. Tomorrow it’s suppose to rain. Again. Sigh. However, while the sun is shining I’m taking the opportunity to play a little in my garden!

tomato plant

My first tomato of the season. I can’t wait for summer salads.

gnome garden

I’m by no means finished, but I started planting and playing in my gnome garden.

gnome garden

I headed out to a few nurseries this morning.

Lowe’s has their discounted plants out already.  In case you didn’t know, nurseries usually have a discount plant area for plants that they have had awhile. They might be a little beat up, but with a little love, patience and care they perk right up.

I picked up Bulbine and Geraniums for $1.00.

I found a few Fairy plants at Calloways. They didn’t have a lot of plants in yet, but I did find a few.

I love loading my gnome garden full of fun miniature plants.

bird bath

Have you heard of water wigglers? I recently purchased one and it’s already a favorite of mine and the birds!

It wiggles so your water is always moving, discouraging mosquitos!

I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the look of it, but so far it’s not bothering me!


The clematis is going CRAZY!

passion vine

The passion vine is blooming and covering the back fence.

spring at the castle

I’m a big proponent of planting things that are natural  to the area.

That’s why I have so many sages in my garden.

This lipstick sage is taking over my back corner.

If you look really close, you can see that the bumble bees love it!


I love geraniums. I can’t tell you how easy they are to grow.

They are definitely a staple in my garden.

bird bath

A couple of sweet friends bought me this bird bath for my birthday.

I put it out front under the crepe myrtle tree, nestled amongst the sage….

So stinkin’ cute!

I still have so much work to do in the garden. However, I’m hoping that spring at the castle is here to stay.

Which means more time to plant and enjoy the warm weather!

Until next time…..



  1. Many years ago a neighbor gave me a plant that she called the lipstick plant and it grew like crazy in my flower bed. I think I removed it because it was so invasive but my granddaughter loved the plant so much and has asked about it for years. Is there another name for this plant other than lipstick sage? I am in Georgia and would love to find another plant. Thanks so much.

    1. Jean it is in the Salvia Greggi family the color is “lipstick”. I love this plant! So easy to grow here. Good Luck!

  2. Oh my goodness, everything is already so pretty at your house! I definitely need to get clematis and passion vine but right now we have nothing for them to climb on. Watching the caterpillars take over the passion vine is so much fun!! I want to know more about the water wiggler too. 🙂

    1. Stacey I found the water wiggler at Ace Hardware. It is battery operated. I’ve had trouble with the water standing and getting stagnant, which worried me regarding mosquitos. We shall see if it helps or not. I love the caterpillars too. We have had hundreds in our yard some years. They are so beautiful!

    1. Rita,
      It’s been unusually cold late this year. It’s just been the last few weeks that the garden has woken up and taken off. You are right, that bumble bee and his friends are huge! They did not like me taking their picture at all. I can’t wait to see your garden this year, here’s hoping that your garden takes off soon!

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