Styling The Hutch
Instead of this post being about styling the hutch, it should be about giving a mouse a cookie. You remember the book, right? If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to ask you for a glass of milk. If you give him the milk, he’s going to ask for a napkin. It’s the never ending story.
It all started when I went to dust the kitchen hutch. My design boredom hit me like spider monkey hyped up on Mountain Dew.
This is the before picture of the hutch. There was nothing wrong with it, the hutch had just been styled this way for a very long time. Before you could say “style the hutch” I had everything pulled off of the hutch and had the hutch dusted.
I didn’t make life altering changes. Just a few small tweaks.
I found this pitcher yesterday at Home Goods. It matches my dishes so I couldn’t pass it up. My hutch does not have very tall shelves, so the pitcher had to go on the top. Plus, I added a few of my pie birds. I love pie birds. I bought my first bird a few years ago in Gruene, TX. Pie birds are placed into the center of a pie before baking. They allow moisture to escape.
I’m definitely no expert on styling, however I like symmetry and I use it. Most of the time I start in the middle with larger pieces and style my way out. If that doesn’t work I put larger, heavier looking items on each end of the shelves and work toward the middle. I like to vary heights of the pieces I am using, as well as use items that are similar in color and style.
You all know that I have to have a crown or two in the mix. It just wouldn’t be the castle without a
bunch few crowns here and there.
My vintage scale is one of my very favorite pieces.
I was also reminded recently to think out of the flower vase box. I need to remember to use something other than a vase to hold my beautiful summer flowers.
Styling the hutch really didn’t take a lot of time. But it made a huge difference in how I feel about my summer kitchen. I think it helped clear out a lot of the mental clutter.
As I was looking at the photos of the before and after of styling the hutch, one major thing really stuck out to me. The yellow walls just aren’t working for me anymore. I think it is time to paint!
If you give a mouse a cookie….
Your hutch looks fantastic! Small tweaks = a big difference and that’s my favorite kind. 🙂
I love it, Tammy, esp. all the references to the Queen. It’s nice to see all the details; otherwise they get overlooked in the big picture. Btw, I like those placemats on the table. 😉
Thank you Rita. The placemats are a favorite of mine too. Best of all – they wash beautifully!! Gotta love Home Goods!
Oh, I love the way you’ve painted the back of the hutch in black! And that little bowing pig… me if you ever get tired of him!
It does always feel good to ‘redo” the hutch…dust etc….Reminds me that it’s time to do that here….
Thanks Nancy.
That pig makes me smile every time I look at him! Thanks for stoping by…
Tammy- isn’t fun to freshen things up?
I love your white pieces and the green boxwood.
Thank you for joining us at Thoughts of Home.
Hope to see you next week too.
White Spray Paint