Ten on the 10th Organization and Home Hacks

It’s Ten on the 10th! In case you’ve forgotten we have ten or more – or sometimes less – fun bloggers sharing ideas with you for under $10 on the tenth of the month. Our Ten on the 10th theme for January is Organization and Home Hacks! Perfect for this time of year when we all seem to want to clean out and freshen up our home a bit. Before I get started, I want to thank Ann from The Apple Street Blog for hosting this month. The girl is a rock star and keeps us organized!

I am sure if you’ve been on here a hot minute you’ve heard me say that we down sized on our recent move. Which means that there were things that I basically threw into drawers, closets and cabinets when we moved in since it was right before the holidays. One such thing is my napkin collection. We had a couple over for dinner a few nights ago and I realized what a mess they were. And did I really need ALL of them? This is drawer 1.

Drawer 2.

And drawer 3!

It quickly became apparent that, no I did not need ALL of them. And I needed a better system. As every time I tried to pull them out of the drawer I successfully ended up messing up the entire drawer.

After a quick search on Pinterest, I came up with this solution.Binder clips.

Just grab 4 napkins – 6 napkins if they are thin – and place a binder clip on them!

Then store them! Whoever thought of this was a genius!

I had a few of the cute patterned ones that I used as a trial run to see if it would actually worked. Once that I knew that it worked well enough for me, I found these here for $4.98 for 2 packages of 12. Woo hoo! If you wanted to you could cute these binders up by placing Washi tape on them or like me, just spray paint them. The only downside for me is that it may leave a mark on the napkins where the binder is clipped. However, that’s not a big deal for me as I iron my napkins before I use them. OR more likely, I will just ignore the mark!

Now I hope that you will join me and visit the other talented bloggers on Ten on the 10th. You know you don’t want to miss this!