Under the Laundry Room Sink

under the laundry room sink cabinets above the washer and dryer

Yesterday I shared how I organized under the kitchen sink. If you missed it you can see it here. After reading yesterdays post, several people asked where I stored most of my cleaning products. So today I thought I’d share under the laundry room sink with you.

I didn’t plan on writing this post at all.

My plan was to simply answer emails with a  quick snapshot of all of my cleaning stuff to those who inquired.

Imagine my surprise when I  opened the doors under my laundry room sink and saw this mess.

How had I missed it?

I mean, I’m in it everyday.

Clearly, it was time to clean it out just like I did under the kitchen sink.

cleaning supplies

Step 1:

Take everything out and clean under the sink.

While that was drying I pulled everything out and put it into categories.

What I used everyday, what I didn’t use all that much and what I hadn’t used in over a  year.

3 granite cleaners

Step 2:

Next, I combined anything that I could if I had it in multiples.

Apparently, when I was getting low I would buy another.

Then use it forgetting I still had another.

I mean, who needs or has space for 2 or 3 of the same items.

shelf liner

Step 3:

Add shelf liner or a mat.

This shelf liner was left over from under the kitchen sink.

I loved that happy pattern so much that I decided to use it in here also.

cleaning bins

Step 4:

Clean out the bins.

Over the last year the bins had gotten a little dusty and had a few spots on them.

So I cleaned them just like I did under the sink.

cleaning supplies in bin

Step 5:

Load the bins back up.

In one bin I put everything that I use on a daily or weekly basis.


cleaning supplies in bin

The other bin holds seldomly used items.

I placed it horizontally across the back of the cabinet and placed the newly washed and cleaned trashcan in front of it.

Anything I hadn’t used in a year or was a hot mess got tossed.

under the laundry room sink

Now this is what under the laundry room sink looks like.

I have a few brushes so I placed them next to the everyday use bin.

There are a few things I plan on adding.

I threw out my rubber gloves, but when I do replace them I will hang them with a command strip hanger on the door.

Medium sized trash bags need to be replaced and will be placed next to the small trash bag container that sits next to the brushes.

under the laundry room sink

The best part?

It went from this…

under the laundry room sink

To this in under an hour.

Is it the prettiest organization system you’ve ever seen?


But it is clean and organized and I love that!

laundry room cabinets

So much so that I decided to clean out this cabinet.

cabinets above the washer and dryer

And this one.

laundry room basket

Even though it didn’t have much in it, I was inspired to clean out the laundry basket too!

It feels so good to have my laundry room clean and organized.

So those of you whose inquiring minds wanted to know where I stored the rest of my cleaning products, now you know!

Until next time….

You can find the laundry room rug here.

And the laundry basket here.

Under the laundry room sink

                              Be sure to PIN for later!

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